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Recce Summary command is used to generate a summary based on the input state file. In the previous section, the Run command was used to generate a state file based on the two environments. It provides a way to integrate Recce into your CI/CD pipeline. The Summary command is used to generate a summary based on the output of Run command. You can also integrate the Summary command into your CI/CD pipeline to generate a summary based on the state file generated by the Run command. Therefor, the generated summary can be posted to your repository hosting platform, such as GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket.


recce summary <Path-of-recce-state-file>


recce summary recce-state.json


The output of the summary command will be markdown format. The markdown output will contain the following sections:

  • Lineage Graph - A graph that shows the lineage of the models that are impacted by the modified models.
  • Checks Summary - A summary of the checks that are detected mismatch between base and current environments.

Example Output

# Recce Summary

## Lineage Graph

graph LR

[What's Changed]
Code, Schema, Value Diff"]
style model.jaffle_shop.customers stroke:#ffa502


## Checks Summary

| Total Checks | Data Mismatch Detected |
| ------------ | ---------------------- |
| 5            | 3                      |

### Checks of Data Mismatch Detected

| Name                                       | Type        | Related Models |
| ------------------------------------------ | ----------- | -------------- |
| Model schema of customers                  | Schema Diff | customers      |
| Value diff of customers                    | Value Diff  | customers      |
| Query diff of customers avg lifetime value | Query Diff  | N/A            |

The rendered output will look like this. Example Output

Content of the Summary

Lineage Graph

The lineage graph shows the lineage of the models that are impacted by the modified models. The graph is generated using the mermaid library. The graph is a directed graph that shows the relationship between the models. The graph is generated based on the modified models and their's children models. If the model is modified or impacted by the modified model, it will be highlighted in the [What's Changed] section.

Example of Lineage Graph

graph LR

[What's Changed]
Code, Schema, Value Diff"]
style model.jaffle_shop.customers stroke:#ffa502

Checks Summary

Shows the total number of checks and the number of data mismatched checks. The table will contain the following columns:

  • Total Checks - The total number of checks.
  • Data Mismatch Detected - The number of checks which data mismatched between base and current environments.

Checks of Data Mismatch Detected

Shows the checks that are detected data mismatch between base and current environments. If the check is detected data mismatch, we will suggest the PR reviewer should take a look at the check and investigate the data mismatch is expected or not. The table will contain the following columns:

  • Name - The name of the check.
  • Type - The type of the check.
  • Related Models - The models that are related to the check. If a check is not related to any models, it will be N/A.

If all the check between base and current environments are matched, the Checks of Data Mismatch Detected section will not be shown.

Example of Data Mismatch Detected

Name Type Related Models
Model schema of customers Schema Diff customers
Value diff of customers Value Diff customers
Query diff of customers avg lifetime value Query Diff N/A

How to Integrate with CI/CD Pipeline

The generated summary can be posted to any kinds of repository hosting platform, such as GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket. Please refer to the Recce CI integration with GitHub Action section for more information on how to integrate Recce with your CI/CD pipeline.