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Node Selection

Recce supports node selection in certain checks (see below). This enables you to target specific resources with data checks by selecting or excluding nodes. Recce node selection follows the same syntax as dbt node selection.

Supported Checks

The following checks currently support node selection:

  • Row Count Diff Check
  • Schema Diff Check

How to use

Configuring checks using node selection can be done via recce.yml for preset checks, and also via the Recce GUI (coming soon).

Configure in recce.yml (preset checks)

Use the following YAML snippets to configure your preset checks using node selection.

Row Count Diff Check


- name: <name>
  description: <description>  
  type: row_count_diff
    select: <selection>
    exclude: <selection>

Example: Check row count diff for all modified table models.

- name: Row count diff
  description: Check the row count diff for all table models
  type: row_count_diff
    select: state:modified,config.materialized:table

Example: Check row count diff by tag

- name: Row count diff
  description: Check the row count diff
  type: row_count_diff
    select: tag:row_count_diff
    exclude: tag:skip_check

Schema Diff Check


- name: <name>
  description: <description>
  type: schema_diff
    select: <selection>
    exclude: <selection>

On the schema diff result page, it lists all the selected nodes and highlights the nodes with schema changes. schema diff with node selection

Example: Check schema diff for all modified nodes and their downstream nodes

- name: Schema diff
  description: Check the schema diff for modified+
  type: schema_diff
    select: state:modified+

Example: Check schema diff for all nodes

- name: Schema diff
  description: Check the schema diff for all nodes.
  type: schema_diff

Configure in Recce GUI

Currently, node selection for checks can only by configured as preset checks in your recce.yml. Support for configuring node selection via the GUI is coming soon.

Lineage Diff

We will also support using node selection in the lineage diff. Stay tuned.


In dbt, node selection only lists the nodes currently present in the project, so it does not include removed nodes.